: +91 9527311805 / 02372 283047
: str_bdcp@rediffmail.com
Koyana Education Society's


Accredited ' A+ ' with CGPA 3.35 by NAAC ,ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Affiliated To Shivaji University Kolhapur
Headlines :
करियर कट्टा अंतर्गत करियर संसद पदाधिकाऱ्या चे पीपीटी चे सादरीकरण घेण्यात आले यात पश्चिम विभागात बाळासाहेब देसाई कॉलेज ला प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त झाला त्याबद्दल मन: पूर्वक अभिनंदन.  Uploaded Date : 07/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Computer Application(B.C.A.) organizes Algorithm Techfest Technical Event on 02/01/2024 and 03/01/2024  Uploaded Date : 30/Dec/2024    Read More         |    26 नोव्हेंबर, 2024 शिवाजी विद्यापीठाच्या परीक्षा सुरु   Uploaded Date : 22/Nov/2024    Read More         |    Admission Notification for B.C.A. I Year 2024-25 - Institutional Level Round   Uploaded Date : 24/Oct/2024    Read More         |    सातारा विभागीय टेबल टेनिस मध्ये पुरुष व महिला दोन्हीं गटाला तृतीय क्रमांक मिळाला त्याबद्दल हार्दिक अभिनंदन   Uploaded Date : 06/Oct/2024    Read More         |    सातारा जिल्हा स्तरीय युवा महोत्सवात बाळासाहेब देसाई कॉलेज ला यश - लोककला- द्वितीय क्रमांक, सुगम गायन -द्वितीय क्रमांक, इंग्रजी वक्तृत्व - उत्तेजनार्थ - वेजेत्यांचे व मार्गदर्शकांचे अभिनंदन ????  Uploaded Date : 26/Sep/2024    Read More     Download File     |    Organization (CIE) Continuous Internal Evaluation Examination   Uploaded Date : 14/Sep/2024    Read More     Download File     |     Under Career Katta Documentary Making Competition Balasaheb Desai College got second prize   Uploaded Date : 05/Sep/2024    Read More         |    अत्यंत महत्वाचे - शिवाजी विद्यापीठाच्या परीक्षा फॉर्म भरण्याच्या तारखा जाहीर, तरी विद्यार्थ्यांनी महाविद्यालयाशी त्वरित संपर्क साधावा.   Uploaded Date : 14/Aug/2024    Read More     Download File     |    
Principal. Dr. S. D. Pawar
M.A. Ph. D.

Principal's Message

Koyana Education Society Patan, the parent institute was established in 1967 with the objective of percolating education to deprived area of Patan Tehsil. Presently Sanstha has several education centers all over the Patan Tehsil. Balasaheb Desai College, Patan was established in June 1969 with mission to impart higher education to youth residing in Patan Tehsil and to strive for excellence in higher education by preparing the students capable of working towards well-being of the self, society, nation, humanity at large and the living being on the earth; to inculcate in them the civic, moral and spiritual values. The College from its beginning has been a key factor in bringing about transformation in the rural and hilly area through higher education, bearing in the mind the motto of the Sanstha “Dnyan Dipen Bhaswata.” That is Enlightening lives by education.

The College is located in the Biodiversity rich Western Ghat, rural and hilly area having pleasant and healthy eco-friendly atmosphere. It becomes a center of innovation in the field of higher education in Patan and its surrounding area. The Institute is catering to the educational needs of the socio-economic backward, rural, earthquake prone, hilly area of Maharashtra. The College is affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur having permanent affiliation. It is multi-faculty; co-education institution. The College has its own beautiful premises and well-developed campus with all required infrastructure and modern amenities. The Institute offers undergraduate courses (UG) in Arts (Marathi, Hindi, English, History, Political Science Geography & Economics), Commerce (B. Com. Regular & B. Com. IT), Science disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Microbiology, Botany, Mathematics, Statistics), BCA and at PG level M. A. (Marathi, Hindi, Political Science & Economics), M Com. and M. Sc. (Analytical Chemistry). The institute runs different need based Soft Skill, Career Oriented and Add On courses every year. The College is covered under Section 2 (f) and 12 (B) status of UGC Act, 1956 in 1970. The institute has been reaccredited for Fourth Cycle by NAAC, Bangalore with ‘A+’ Grade (CGPA -3.35) in June 2023.

Institute is imparting education in all three basic streams. Being a STAR (DBT STAR Scheme) college offers experiential learning and hands on training in the field of science. ‘Admission to all’ is our policy by which we include pupils from Patan Tehsil which are out of stream of education. The Institute has a pleasant ambience with beautiful and green campus and spacious campus area of 10 acres and a built-up area is more than 9600 sq. ft. Institute has adequate infrastructure facilities, ICT classrooms and well equipped laboratories to perform effective teaching and learning process. Institute has fully computerized library with an INFLIBNET, N-LIST, E-Resource access facility for faculties and students. The library has fully automated Lib-Man software version 3.0 installed in 2018. The library has provided 6000+ e-journals and 31, 35,000+ e-books on various subjects. The library has subscribed to 6 online databases from Br. Balasaheb Khardekar Knowledge Resource Center, Shivaji University, Kolhapur and makes it available through digital section Center to all library users free of cost. The library has a total of 32848 books for Senior College, 31 journals, 150 CDs/DCDs, 05 rare manuscripts, 14 newspapers, 1389 Bound Volumes of journals. For the smooth and effective functioning of the library, there is a Library Advisory Committee. The main function of it is to design and implement policies for the library services. Library provides certain services like Book Bank Scheme, Inter-Library Lone for the students and internet facility. The quality teachers, is the strength of the Institute. Out of 24 fulltime permanent teachers, 22 teachers are Ph.D. holders. 17 teachers are Research guides. 2 major and 12 minor research projects funded by UGC and other funded agencies had completed. Faculties published papers in UGC listed research journals & books. DST-FIST has sanctioned Rs. 40 Lakhs under DST-FIST programme. DST- India has sanctioned Rs. 46 Lakhs under DST-STAR Scheme.

The institute has robust internal and external university examination system. The institute has remarkable number of university academic and sports awards. Many of our students are recipient of University merit scholarships and have notable performance in sports, cultural & Avishkar Research Competitions. The Institute had Competitive examination & career guidance cell, Pre-recruitment Police training center, Language lab, Student Facilitation Center, Multimedia Center, ICT classrooms, Radon Gas Station, well-furnished Auditorium & Meditation Hall, Girls & Boys hostel, Solar Panel, CCTV, Indoor Gymnasium Hall, NSS, NCC unit. The institute is focused through digital platforms like dynamic website, You-Tube channel, Facebook page and web radio namely ‘Radio Patan’.

Prin. Dr. S. D. Pawar
M.A. Ph. D.
Koyana Education Society's
Balasaheb Desai College
Patan, Maharashtra

Ph: +91 9527311805
ph: +91 02372 283047
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