: +91 9527311805 / 02372 283047
: str_bdcp@rediffmail.com
Koyana Education Society's


Accredited ' A+ ' with CGPA 3.35 by NAAC ,ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Affiliated To Shivaji University Kolhapur
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गुरुवार दि. ०६/०२/२०२५ रोजी IQAC युथ फेस्टिवल आणि शुक्रवार दि. ०७/०२/२०२५ रोजी वार्षिक पारितोषिक वितरणाचे आयोजन केले आहे.  Uploaded Date : 25/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना विभागाच्या वतीने " विशेष श्रमसंस्कार शिबीर " दि. २१/०१/२०२५ ते दि. २७/०१/२०२५ अखेर नारळवाडी या ठिकाणी घेण्यात येणार आहे.  Uploaded Date : 18/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Statistics Organizes   Uploaded Date : 17/Jan/2025    Read More         |    अत्यंत महत्वाचे 17-01-2025 रोजी होणारा पेपर रद्द झाला असून तो रविवार दि. 19-01-2025 रोजी 10:30 ते 12:00 या वेळेत होईल याची विद्यार्थ्यांनी नोंद घ्यावी   Uploaded Date : 16/Jan/2025    Read More         |    करियर कट्टा अंतर्गत करियर संसद पदाधिकाऱ्या चे पीपीटी चे सादरीकरण घेण्यात आले यात पश्चिम विभागात बाळासाहेब देसाई कॉलेज ला प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त झाला त्याबद्दल मन: पूर्वक अभिनंदन.  Uploaded Date : 07/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Computer Application(B.C.A.) organizes Algorithm Techfest Technical Event on 02/01/2024 and 03/01/2024  Uploaded Date : 30/Dec/2024    Read More         |    26 नोव्हेंबर, 2024 शिवाजी विद्यापीठाच्या परीक्षा सुरु   Uploaded Date : 22/Nov/2024    Read More         |    Admission Notification for B.C.A. I Year 2024-25 - Institutional Level Round   Uploaded Date : 24/Oct/2024    Read More         |    सातारा विभागीय टेबल टेनिस मध्ये पुरुष व महिला दोन्हीं गटाला तृतीय क्रमांक मिळाला त्याबद्दल हार्दिक अभिनंदन   Uploaded Date : 06/Oct/2024    Read More         |    

Physics Department

Department of Physics:


  • To be a leading centre of excellence in physics education and research, advancing scientific knowledge and benefiting society.
  • Mission:

    1. Quality Education: Provide comprehensive and rigorous education in physics.
    2. Research and Innovation: Promote cutting-edge research and foster innovation.
    3. Critical Thinking: Develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    4. Ethical Values:Instil ethical and professional values.
    5. Collaboration: Encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative learning.
    6. Community Engagement: Engage with the community to emphasize the relevance of physics.


    1. Academic Excellence : Achieve high standards in teaching and learning.
    2. Research Leadership : Conduct and publish influential research in physics.
    3. Student Success : Support student achievement and career readiness.
    4. Industry Connections : Build strong partnerships with industry and research institutions.
    5. Innovative Curriculum : Continuously update the curriculum to reflect the latest advancements in physics.
    6. Outreach Programs : Develop outreach initiatives to promote physics education in the wider community.

    History of the Department:

             The Department of Physics was established in 1995 for B.Sc. (Physics) course. The intake capacity of the B.Sc. (Physics) course is 12. Also. The Department has always placed equal emphasis both on teaching . The number of students from our department have been placed in the merit list of the University and few of them have topped in the University merit list. Experienced faculty of the Department is devoted to research in their respective areas of specialization. The Google Scholar Citations of Prof.(Dr.) R.K.Nimat ( 101, h-index: 05, i-10 index: 05), Dr. Mrs. S.S.Kumbhar (52, h-index: 03, i-10 index: 03)

             The Department of Physics has signed MoU with L.B.S.College Satara. Total 04 Ph.D. scholars are working under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.)R.K.Nimat. The major research areas of the department are , supercapacitors, thin films, photodetectors, gas sensors. The guest lectures and invited talks by the eminent professors from India are arranged to create awareness amongst the students about the advancements in Physics and research in Materials Science. The total research grant received by the department from various funding agencies is over Rs. 12 Lakhs. The instruments available for smooth conduct of research are Spin Coater, Spray Coater, Spray Pyrolysis Unit, Centrifuge, Oven, Furnace, Magnetic Stirrers, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Digital Balance, microwave etc. Laboratory in the department are equipped with computer and internet facilities.

    Message of Head of the Department:

    Mr. M.D. Jadhav
    Head of the Department of Physics
    Balasaheb Desai College ,Patan

              Welcome to the Department of Physics at Balasaheb Desai College ,Patan Our department is committed to providing an exceptional education in physics, fostering a deep understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the universe. We pride ourselves on offering a rigorous curriculum, state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, and opportunities for cutting-edge research.

              Our dedicated faculty members are both passionate educators and active researchers, ensuring that our students benefit from the latest developments in the field. We emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovative approaches to scientific inquiry, preparing our graduates for successful careers in academia, industry, and beyond.

              Collaboration and interdisciplinary work are key components of our program. We encourage students to engage in research projects that integrate knowledge from various scientific disciplines, enhancing their ability to tackle complex real-world problems.

              In addition to academic excellence, we instil strong ethical and professional values in our students. We believe that responsible scientists can make significant contributions to society, and we are committed to fostering a culture of integrity and social responsibility.

              We invite prospective students, current students, and collaborators to explore the diverse opportunities available within our department. Together, we can push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to a greater understanding of the physical world.

              Thank you for your interest in our department. We look forward to the discoveries and innovations that lie ahead.

    Koyana Education Society's
    Balasaheb Desai College
    Patan, Maharashtra

    Ph: +91 9527311805
    ph: +91 02372 283047
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