: +91 9527311805 / 02372 283047
: str_bdcp@rediffmail.com
Koyana Education Society's


Accredited ' A+ ' with CGPA 3.35 by NAAC ,ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Affiliated To Shivaji University Kolhapur
Headlines :
गुरुवार दि. ०६/०२/२०२५ रोजी IQAC युथ फेस्टिवल आणि शुक्रवार दि. ०७/०२/२०२५ रोजी वार्षिक पारितोषिक वितरणाचे आयोजन केले आहे.  Uploaded Date : 25/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना विभागाच्या वतीने " विशेष श्रमसंस्कार शिबीर " दि. २१/०१/२०२५ ते दि. २७/०१/२०२५ अखेर नारळवाडी या ठिकाणी घेण्यात येणार आहे.  Uploaded Date : 18/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Statistics Organizes   Uploaded Date : 17/Jan/2025    Read More         |    अत्यंत महत्वाचे 17-01-2025 रोजी होणारा पेपर रद्द झाला असून तो रविवार दि. 19-01-2025 रोजी 10:30 ते 12:00 या वेळेत होईल याची विद्यार्थ्यांनी नोंद घ्यावी   Uploaded Date : 16/Jan/2025    Read More         |    करियर कट्टा अंतर्गत करियर संसद पदाधिकाऱ्या चे पीपीटी चे सादरीकरण घेण्यात आले यात पश्चिम विभागात बाळासाहेब देसाई कॉलेज ला प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त झाला त्याबद्दल मन: पूर्वक अभिनंदन.  Uploaded Date : 07/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Computer Application(B.C.A.) organizes Algorithm Techfest Technical Event on 02/01/2024 and 03/01/2024  Uploaded Date : 30/Dec/2024    Read More         |    26 नोव्हेंबर, 2024 शिवाजी विद्यापीठाच्या परीक्षा सुरु   Uploaded Date : 22/Nov/2024    Read More         |    Admission Notification for B.C.A. I Year 2024-25 - Institutional Level Round   Uploaded Date : 24/Oct/2024    Read More         |    सातारा विभागीय टेबल टेनिस मध्ये पुरुष व महिला दोन्हीं गटाला तृतीय क्रमांक मिळाला त्याबद्दल हार्दिक अभिनंदन   Uploaded Date : 06/Oct/2024    Read More         |    

Economics Department

Department of Economics :


  • “To be a leading center of excellence in economic research and education.”
  • Mission:

  • “To provide quality education in economics, applying economic expertise to engage with local and global and conduct economic social activities.”
  • Goals:

    1) To create interest among students about Economics.
    2) To motivate student for higher education and research.
    3) To create awareness among the students about Economic problems in the society.
    4) To create awareness about banking and other recruitments related to economics.

    History of the Department:

              Balasaheb Desai College Patan was established in June 1969 with mission to impart higher education to youth residing in Patan Tehsil. The college is catering to the educational needs of this backward rural, earthquake prone, hilly area of Maharashtra.

               The Department of Economics is one of the major department in the institute. The Department of Economics was instituted in 1972. The department offers UG & PG Programs in Economics. Special Economics class was started under leadership of Hon. Principal S. B. Chavan B. Sc. Economics (Landon). In the year 1987, Co-Operation as a Inter Disciplinary Subject (IDS) for course B.A.II was started. Faculty of Economics Mr. G.S Zulzule worked as acting principal from 1st June 2011 to 28th Feb. 2012. The department has 3 fulltime posts and fulfilled all. From the academic year 2022-23, PG department (M. A. Economics) has been started. The Department has well qualified teaching faculty including 03 SET and 02 Ph.D. qualified teachers. The faculty is continuously involved in research work. The Department has been conducting various activities like Guest Lectures, Wallpaper Presentation, Quizzes, Bank Visits, Study Tours , Seminars, Projects etc. The Department runs short term course in Share Market every year.

               Dr. P.Y. Phadnis Worked as NAAC Coordinator from Nov. 2019. He is also a member of BOS in Business Economics at KBP University’s D. G. College of Commerce, Satara.

              Dr. G. S. Pattebahadur is working as ISO Coordinator. He is a Research Guide and member of BOS in Business Economics at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

              Mr. T. R. Mahale is appearing for Ph.D. in Savitribai Phule, Pune University. He is working on one Minor Research Project funded by KES.

    Message of Head of the Department:

    Prof. Dr. P.Y.Phadnis
    Head of the Department of Economics
    Balasaheb Desai College ,Patan

    “Economic Literacy is a need of an hour”
    “आर्थिक साक्षरता ही काळाची गरज”

    Koyana Education Society's
    Balasaheb Desai College
    Patan, Maharashtra

    Ph: +91 9527311805
    ph: +91 02372 283047
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